

Innovative Chinese university admission letters go viral online

Photo from Sina Weibo

Photo from Sina Weibo

In recent days, admission letters from Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) have been making waves online for being made from special high-tech materials and having unique features - they are fireproof, anti-scald, and the envelop can even be used to cut vegetables. 

On social media platforms, several students showed their admission letters of BUCT by cutting watermelons, meat, and other items, testing the durability of the letters and sharing videos online, which has caught the attention of netizens. Many have exclaimed, "This academic qualification is 'tough'!"

The admission letters are made of carbon fiber composite material, with a thickness of only 0.2 millimeters. They are said to have the characteristics of being "as thin as a hair, as light as a feather, as strong as steel, and as precious as gold." Carbon fiber is known as the industrial "black gold" and is widely used in aerospace, military, and maritime fields due to its high heat and corrosion resistance.

According to Chinese media outlet Guangming Daily, the admission letter represents the successful transformation of domestic carbon fiber composite materials from "high-end" products to "popular" products, which is a vivid practice of the school's research achievements transformation.

This year, admission letters are no longer just proof of enrollment. They are gradually becoming a unique window to showcase university culture and innovation spirit. 

Many other universities have all showcased their creativity in the design of admission letters, attracting public attention like never before.

The design of the admission letter from Beijing Film Academy is inspired by film slates. When opened, it feels like the beginning of a movie, filled with artistic and dreamy vibes. 

The admission letter from Zhejiang A&F University is made from bamboo, using the school's independently developed bamboo slicing technology. The thin bamboo fibers form a vivid "forest," full of ecological and technological appeal.

These creatively designed admission letters cleverly incorporate traditional Chinese elements, exuding a sense of Chinese romance and fully showcasing Chinese aesthetics.

Many students eagerly shared their special admission letters to the public. Various styles and creative admission letters are being shared on platforms like Weibo and Douyin, creating new trending topics.

Graduates, on the other hand, envy current students while humorously expressing their longing for their own letters.

Global Times - Guangming Daily
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