

Desire to be attractive traps the vain in skin deep

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

It's no secret that almost everyone wants to look attractive. As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "Loving beauty is part of human nature." Indeed, it seems like the only thing that has changed from the ancient past up to now is how people make themselves look more appealing. Nowadays, more and more people choose to "beautify" themselves with the help of modern medical technologies. As a result, the medical beauty market started to grow rapidly. But for many people, beauty comes with a price, and sometimes it is too high to pay. Problems that occurred in the industry of aesthetic medicine, including seemingly endless surgery failures and deaths from surgery, have worried many. According to a report from last year, only 14 percent of all medical beauty clinics in China are completely legal. Therefore, the Chinese government is urged to take more serious measures to regulate the industry. Apart from that, people also have to change their minds. They need to understand how to choose clinics with caution, and most importantly, that it is unhealthy to pursue beauty excessively. After all, in many cases, beauty is only skin deep.
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