

Iranian president says resistance only way to counter West’s ‘greed’

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Tuesday that resistance is the only way to confront the "greed" of the West.

Raisi made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting high-ranking economic delegation from Venezuela, according to the Iranian presidential website.

Expressing his satisfaction with the progress of Tehran-­Caracas relations in varied areas, he said that Iran's economic, scientific and energy capacities can benefit bilateral and multilateral cooperation with other nations.

The Iranian president also lauded what he called the "resistance" of the Venezuelan people against the pressures of the US.

"Americans thought they could stop the nations with threats and sanctions, but the steadfastness of the independent nations forced them to retreat and once again proved that resistance and cooperation is the only way to confront the greed of the West," Raisi said.

Venezuelan Transport Minister Ramon Blazquez presented a report on the holding of the Joint Economic Commission between Iran and Venezuela after an eight-year break.

"In the negotiations, we have reached good agreements to expand cooperation in the fields of transportation, agriculture, energy and technology," he said. 

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