

Chile: Pablo de Rokha’s sculpture installed in Beijing’s exclusive cultural zone

The Embassy of Chile in China held an unveiling ceremony for a bust of the famous contemporary Chilean poet Pablo de Rokha (1894-1968) in Beijing on July 31. 

Chilean Ambassador to China Mauricio Hurtado gives a speech at the inauguration ceremony in Beijing, on July 31, 2024. Photo: Courtesy of the Embassy of Chile in China

Chilean Ambassador to China Mauricio Hurtado gives a speech at the inauguration ceremony in Beijing, on July 31, 2024. Photo: Courtesy of the Embassy of Chile in China

This is the first foreign cultural sculpture on the streets of Beijing, which stands as a milestone in strengthening cultural ties between Chile and China.

In his keynote speech, the Chilean Ambassador to China Mauricio Hurtado said, "The decision to erect a bust of the poet, the winner of the Chilean Premio Nacional de Literatura (National Literature Prize), not only commemorates his literary achievements, but also highlights the key role he played in fostering cultural ties between peoples in China and Chile."

The Chilean poet is influential in both countries. Born in the small town of Licantén in the Maule Region, Chile, Pablo de Rokha is an important figure in Latin American and Chilean poetry. His works are full of passion and deep critical insight.

The ambassador expressed his gratitude to the Chaoyang District Government and the people of the Jiangtai area, where the sculpture stands. 
Pablo de Rokha is influential in both Chile and China. Photo: Courtesy of the Embassy of Chile in China

Pablo de Rokha is influential in both Chile and China. Photo: Courtesy of the Embassy of Chile in China

The bust was created by renowned Chinese sculptor Yuan Xikun. The creation project was initiated in mid-2023. The work was unveiled on October 17, 2023, at an inauguration ceremony held at the Chilean Embassy during the state visit of Chilean President Gabriel Boric in Beijing. 

Students from six schools in Fuzhou, East China's Fujian Province recited the poet's work "Gentes y Calles de Pekín (People and Streets of Beijing)" collected in Ode to Beijing, which was published in 1965.
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