

Man pounced, bitten hard by stranger who mistook him for former girlfriend's new boyfriend


Man from Hangzhou,<strong></strong> East China's Zhejiang Province, was pounced and bitten hard by a stranger who mistook him for former girlfriend's new boyfriend. Photo: screenshot from Sina Weibo

Man from Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, was pounced and bitten hard by a stranger who mistook him for former girlfriend's new boyfriend. Photo: screenshot from Sina Weibo

A man surnamed Huang from Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, recently had an unfortunate encounter with a stranger. He was pounced and got bitten all over his face and hands for no reason at all. It turned out that the stranger had mistaken Huang for his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, so he wanted to hurt Huang. 

The incident happened on November 30 when Huang was just driving his car out of a parking lot, media reported on Sunday. 

"I saw a man and a woman walking by the sidewalk and asked them what was the matter. No one replied, which I found very strange, but then something unexpected happened," Huang said. 

The man suddenly jumped at Huang, strangled his neck and began to bite him. Huang asked in panic who the man was, but the attacker didn't reply. As Huang later recalled the scene, it was so brutal that his underwear was even torn. Eventually, the police arrived and stopped the farce. 

Huang nursed the injuries for half a month, but the attacker didn't compensate or apologize to him. Due to the severity of the wounds on Huang's face, his planned engagement ceremony was canceled and he had to pay 100,000 yuan ($15,716) to compensate the hotel.  

Global Times

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