

2 abducted men on family

When Yuan and Xu,<strong></strong> two men who were abducted and trafficked find they were actually brothers, they hug each other and cry. Photo: Sina Weibo

When Yuan and Xu, two men who were abducted and trafficked find they were actually brothers, they hug each other and cry. Photo: Sina Weibo

Two men who were abducted and trafficked when they were kids joined each other on a family-tracing trip. They ended up finding out that they are actually siblings, media reported on Sunday.

Both of them were sent away to East China's Shandong Province by their own family in East China's Zhejiang Province as the family was too poor to take care of them, said the report.

The two surnamed Yuan, 43, and Xu, 45, both living in Shandong and not knowing each other until days ago, separately got in touch with the local "finding missing child" organization wishing to find their real family, according to police in Zhejiang.

The police found that the two were in fact from families surnamed Yu in Zhejiang. Then the police got in touch with them and the two deiced to get on a train to Zhejiang together.

Yet when they arrived, they found out they are in fact real brothers after DNA tests.

"I told him (Xu) during the trip that our mouths look alike but I never expected that we are in fact from the same family," Yuan said, excitedly.

Global Times

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